Monday, 23 June 2008


Poodle Rocking, originally uploaded by ..Philippa...

I think The Cardinal should bring Lady out with us every night. A prop like her works wonders.

Today I spent with Jasmine who made my throat sore. It isn't for you to know who or why. It was very interesting working with her and hearing what she had to say. I hope she comes back soon.

Then I had a really frustrating phone conversation with the people at 3 who are all in India or Pakistan somewhere. I HATE MY PHONE. To send an SMS can take ages. It isn't me being all cool and casual to reply to you. It is actually taking like 10 minutes to send. So annoying. So I called to complain and got told that it is a common problem and I have to d/l some stupid SMS ACCELERATOR software for the Nokia E61. So they text me a link which doesn't have the software at all. So I call back and they tell me I have to wait 24 hours while they investigate. Why am I SOOOO mad? I don't know. But I'm furious. I really hate my phone. Which of course brings me to H M L.

I've been in such a mood lately. Although from the beautiful picture above you wouldn't think so. Can something just work out like I want it to for once please? Just ONCE??!

xx Lektrogirl


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