Saturday, 21 November 2009


I really had a week of it. A real week. Dora came today. You know, the cleaner that I spend all my money on along with taxis and champagne and caviar at Bob Bob Ricard.

Anyway she was telling me all about her ex husband who died after he got with a little girl [this mean younger wife, younger than Dora.] When he met the little girl, Dora was really upset at the time and she couldn't eat properly and lost a lot of weight through stress. Understandably. Her husband told her "If you are going to lose weight, you have to go to your mothers side because I don't want an aids patient living in my house."

Dora lived on the ground floor and the husband and little wife lived upstairs. Husband did not even want to hear her voice because it made him feel sick. When he died, she didn't go to the funeral. Her friends told her that apart from her 5 kids and little wife's two, there were another 16 kids that belonged to this man.

xx Lektrogirl


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