Tuesday, 1 January 2008


Like I said on my Flickr, I knew that 2008 is going to be a lucky year. Plus all the women's magazines that I have been reading in airports and planes the last couple of days have also said that 2008 is a really hot year for Sagittarians.

It feels weird to be "home". I'm really really looking forward to seeing my friends again but London is like a ghost town and it is cold and dark. And arriving back to a lot of bitching and backstabbing from one particular hater was really awful - it had little effect on me - cause like so what? but it really hurt other people. That's not fair and that sucks whoever you are you loser. Maybe it is the person I know who is so nice to my face, and when I asked them once about rumours they had been bitching their heart out about me they denied it. And now I found out for a fact whenever my name is mentioned they go gung ho with the evil tongue. So I'm just another person now joining the queue to call them a two faced spineless twerp. Happy new year to you! All that was my last day of 2007. It can definitely stay there.

So what up for 2008?
I don't have any resolutions. I was thinking of some on the plane back from Australia. I was thinking "Maybe I should try and get with a man older than me for a change. Or at least 35. Or at least between 30 and 35." But as it happens, I'm a terrible judge of age and people who I think are older always turn out to be in their twenties. Maybe I just can't helping being the kind of girl who always has to crack a Pepsi Max [cause I like the taste of the NextGeneration. LOL!] So I decided that I can't be even bothered. Nobody has dared tell me to my face that I look 35 and everyone has faked really good shock when they have found out I'm not in my late twenties. Which I am to date eternally grateful.

I have a few ideas for things I would like to do but I wouldn't call them resolutions. Do I need one?

I miss my sister like crazy - she really is the best.

xx Lektrogirl


Blogger Sara T said...

2008 is the year of the callout suckers...every spineless twit needs to step off

1 January 2008 21:43  
OpenID doctordance said...

babe. i have no idea what this drama is about or what was said. what happened? i heard paul phoned daniel about it. it definitely wasn't daniel

1 January 2008 21:52  
Blogger Lektrogirl said...

Thanks folks. No haters.

2 January 2008 01:28  

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