Sunday, 3 February 2008


The is a photo of me that has been banned from every surfacing on the Internet of me demonstrating to DJ Assault what exactly a 'showerface' is. This picture is completely inappropriate for illustrating this post. I did take a picture for it - but my big computer has a virus, so I can't be bothered uploading with the laptop which is also on it's last legs BUT I HAD MY FIRST SHOWER YESTERDAY. What a glorious moment it was. And indeed - SHOWERFACE.

Today I spent fucking around trying to remove the fucking virus off the big computer - I want to do my online shopping, check my bank balances etc - all kinds of serious password protected stuff. So I have been Googling tunstur.dll and Vundo like a fanny to work out how to get rid of it. Not as easy as one would think.

Halfway through the day I was forced to leave it to meet my friend Dal at Balans for a G-A-Y brunch and a Bellini where we coulnt believe our eyes at the bear who sat next to us in the Tron t-shirt and the gayers at the table on the other side having a typical gayer conversation. After than we went cruising for gays in Heals and Habitat, after having stopped off in Next Home stores forcing each other to select something on each shelf we would have to have if we were given gift vouchers. I was totally entranced by the number of varieties of "fragranced orbs" [smelly bits of stick] to put in a bowl on the side table there were. I'm not that kind of girl.

Sorry this isn't such an interesting post, it has been a really long week and I'm kind of emotionally exhausted. Not my problems, but someone else's. I hope they are okay.

xx Lektrogirl

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