Sunday, 31 August 2008


Got I get onto YouTube today and it recommends a video to me that is just like watching myself in another 10 - 15 yers... hell maybe 5 if someone throws acid in my face.

She has a better body than me.

I have to say that for the time being I cannot bare to look at gash being held open with craggy fingers for a fat husbands delight any longer so I won't be updating for the time being - it will all be Valeria. I know that it is in good hands. I bet the the lady dancing in the video also has her own Flickr page. YGM.

She also does Haddaway what is love. Fellas imagine giving her a ride...

Anyway I'm cooking roesti right now which need my attention.

OH SHIT forgot to say - in the tragic mind of a sad and lonely blogger such as myself who can't help but occasionally tease someone. I am personally a big fan of Prancehall's blog just for the record even thought he hates me.

Anyway check this post: little-uk-rap-blast-from-past

I have to admit

Anonymous said...

the best things on your blog you nick from other people. lucky you sit at home all day surfing the net or you'd have no content at all.
2:12 AM

Was me. I was rotfling when I wrote it and didn't realise Pranny was going to have a little pebble in his pants over it like someone on the planet mu forum. I'm sorry.

xx Lektrogirl

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Blogger Sara T said...

gah i was watching this chick last week! she reminds me of a friend of mine actually....

3 September 2008 00:48  
Anonymous Caz said...

you missed her dancing to Chic's Funny Bone in white leggings with no panties on...

i quite like her actually, particularly the interpretive stuff.

but dancing to the Haddaway song she could be any number of women at Warrnambool's top nite spot, The Lady Bay Hotel.

3 September 2008 15:26  

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