Wednesday, 22 October 2008


No time to write to you all myself, but I wrote to V yesterday from work:

well so much to tell you. but i am also cured of my internet addiction - only because life took over and now i don't have enough time to be addicted. the way of the world. perhaps the same with drug addicts - they have too much time on their hands?!

XXCENSOREDXX showed himself to me totally naked in a nudie game flash at the kitchen. however - i do believe XXCENSOREDXX to be great in bed. a shame i did not find out about him, but he fucks groupies. he has a XXCENSOREDXX. i dont want to be a groupie fuck. i'm better than that. even though every time i see him he flirts. and equally i flirt with him. but every time i tell him to fuck off and laugh. tho' when he was leaving back to XXCENSOREDXX after the party i was still asleep in my bed and he came to see me and we kissed a little and i told him never to leave me again and that i hated him. and he said that it was the sweetest thing i had said to him and that i have hands like a porcelain doll. he is really beautiful - but his outfit was really bad. he looked like a poverty stricken clown.

now: i cant actually write on XXCENSOREDXX blog that she is murdering style, there will be a bloodbath in london. but i think you should do it. or get someone you know to do it. she doesn't allow anonymous blogging.

actually - i think i will update my blog with this email to you. it is pretty much all i have to say about life right now.




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