Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Have I told you all recently how much I love Teki Latex? I love him!

Today I walked in the rain all on my own through London feeling sad cause a part of my died today and it was horrible and I cried and I felt terrible. But SO relieved that all the problems I got are my own and not the weirdness of someone else. Anyway the destination of my walk was 55 Doughty Street - the old house of The G.A.

I also took a few pics of surrounding pubs that he had described to Mutts. The wind was icy and my feet got really cold. When the hell is the warmer weather coming?!

We all know I regularly dream about someone who wishes I wouldn't. Last night he was in love with my sister who for some reason looked like Jessica Simpson in daisy dukes and showing a lot of butt. I don't know how successful he would have been with her cause he was wearing a gauze nappy full of shit and rubbing himself against my leg getting a stiffy. So weird.

Time is really passing.

On a lighter note, I was walking up Tottenham Court Road with a certain friend who was going to pull something out of the oven for me and we followed for a while this trio of finely dressed chaps - what a bunch of faggasaurs!

The one on the left had the peachest butt I had ever seen - and his jeans seemed tailored to give him a girls bum. In fact what jeans were they? My friend declared they had to be Dolce and Gabbana cause 'a queen like that would go straight for the Dolce and Gabbana' [mainline obvs] but I was so confused - the label looked like those little metal plates on the Marc Jacobs bags... Can someone please fill me in on that?

The guy in the middle was like the third wheel on the bicycle. His clothes were like the look of the other two but recreated with ill fitting finds from H&M. Only he had a really nice bag.

Finally, the guy on the right had us in hysterics - what is with this heavy chambray style mix jacket with the shoulder shits with black leather gloves and dark jeans. He looked like a psycho. And the jeans... hang on a minute... "those jeans are from Celine and they don't make a men's line!" I guess he had problems walking in them cause he was as stiff as a rod all the way up the road, even when the guy from the far left came over and put his arm through his, not an inch of warm, not a leaning in, a bend of the arm, even recognition this guy existed. Maybe he was just so dead set to get to the 134 bus stop all the way home?!

Anyway - dark day - and check this out:

I cried today, walked through the wind and rain and was cold, waited half an hour for a bus that wouldn't let me on cause the machine ate my money, had to get a tube, waited in line to top up my oyster card and had no change cause I'd lost it in the bus ticket machine, realised the tube machine didn't take notes and had to go and queue up again at the window and talk to a man. AND DESPITE ALL ODDS - STILL A BABE - STILL GOT THAT PHOTOFACE TM - STILL GOT THAT VIBE - STILL GOT THAT BABE HAIR - REGULATORS!!! MOUNT UP!!

xx Lektrogirl

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